Are you a Nationwide customer? Now all members have the option to enroll in texting using their mobile phone. There is no longer need to have a paper and pen handy when you call the 1-800 numbers! These texting abilities put your claims and billing information in the palm of your hand. Just text the word ENROLL to easily sign up for the text reminders!
What is offered?
- Send a one-time text with a member’s claim number, their adjuster’s name and contact information, time of their vehicle inspection appointment and repair shop contact information
- Confirm their payment, account balance or billing due date
- Enroll members in recurring texts
- Text payment mailing address for Commercial, Farm and Nonstandard members
- Payment due reminders seven days prior to their due date, two days prior to their due date and one day past due
- Payment withdrawal reminder five days prior to drafting a payment from the members’ account
- Payment confirmation verifying the receipt of a payment
What about claims? You also have the ability to text throughout the life of your claim. You can initiate text messages by texting the word CLAIMS, along with some key words, to get your adjuster’s name, claim number, drive-in appointment reminder and claim status. How convenient! But as always, call or stop into our office with any questions. We are here to help!
The McDonald Agency Crew
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